The API¶
Responses are communicated in JavaScript Object Notation (javascript). Each endpoint returns a list of objects
. A few useful book-keeping items are also included in each response.
"num_results": <int>,
"objects": [
<key>: <value>,
<key>: <value>,
<key>: <value>
{ <response object 2> },
{ <response object N> }
"page": <int>,
"total_pages": <int>
The exception is api/v1/courses/<course>, which returns a single object (not a list), and no book-keeping items.
It is possible for zero <response object>
s to be returned.
Versions should be assumed incompatible with one another. Versions are prefixed with their version number. A maximum of 2 versions will be supported at any one time.
Current versions, with their prefixes.
- v0
(deprecated) - v1
- Each response includes:
:= page number returnedtotal_pages
:= total number of pages
To get the nth page, append ?page=<n>
to any endpoint:
GET /api/v1/courses-min?page=2
If you are using a search query, append the page number with &
GET /api/v1/courses-min?q=<search_query>&page=2
All responses are compressed with gzip. Your client should handle the gzipping automagically for you. You shouldn't need to worry about this at all.
Search queries¶
Search queries are used to restrict an endpoint’s output. This is useful both for performance and semantic reasons.
Format is:
/api/v1/<endpoint>?q={"filters":[{"name":<attribute_name>,"op":<comparison>,"val":<attribute_value>},{ ... },...]}
Get courses for a certain institution and a certain term:
GET /api/v1/courses-min?q={"filters":[{"name":"institution","op":"equals","val":"ualberta"},{"name":"term","op":"equals","val":"1490"}]}Get terms for a certain institution:
GET /api/v1/terms?q={"filters":[{"name":"institution","op":"equals","val":"ualberta"}]}
Available operators listed here. As of this writing, they are:
==, eq, equals, equals_to
!=, neq, does_not_equal, not_equal_to
>, gt, <, lt
>=, ge, gte, geq, <=, le, lte, leq
in, not_in
is_null, is_not_null
Formats used in responses¶
Day format¶
String containing one or more of the characters “MTWRF”, with each corresponding to a day from Monday through Friday.
Time format¶
HH: | 2-digit hour between 00 and 12 |
MM: | 2-digit minute between 00 and 59 |
X: | A or P |
Retrieve a list of available institutions. Each institution contains all available information.
GET localhost:5000/api/v1/institutions
Retrieve a list of available terms. Each term contains all available information.
GET localhost:5000/api/v1/terms
"objects": [
"endDate": "2007-12-05",
"startDate": "2007-09-05",
"term": "1210",
"termTitle": "Fall Term 2007"
{ <term object 2> },
{ <term object N> }
objects: | list of <term object>s |
<term object>¶
endDate: | YYYY-MM-DD |
startDate: | YYYY-MM-DD |
term: | 4-digit term identifier |
termTitle: | semantic term name |
Quickly retrieve a hierarchy of available courses.
Each course object contains only essential information. More detailed information about a specific course is retrieved with /api/v1/courses.
GET localhost:5000/api/v1/courses-min
objects = [
"faculty": "Faculty of Business",
"subjects": [
"subject": "ACCTG",
"subjectTitle": "Accounting",
"courses": [
"course": "000001",
"asString": "ACCTG 300",
"courseTitle": "Intermediate Accounting"
{ <course object> }
{ <subject object> }
{ <faculty object> }
objects: | list of faculty objects |
<faculty object>¶
faculty: | semantic faculty name |
subjects: | list of subject objects |
<subject object>¶
subject: | variable-length subject identifier |
subjectTitle: | semantic subject name |
courses: | list of course-min objects |
<course-min object>¶
course: | 6-digit course identifier |
asString: | <subject> <level> |
courseTitle: | semantic course name |
Retrieve detailed information about a single course.
"asString": "ACCTG 300",
"career": "UGRD",
"catalog": 300,
"course": "000001",
"courseDescription": "Provides a basic understanding of accounting: how accounting numbers
are generated, the meaning of accounting reports, and how to use accounting reports to
make decisions. Note: Not open to students registered in the Faculty of Business. Not
for credit in the Bachelor of Commerce Program.",
"courseTitle": "Introduction to Accounting",
"department": "Department of Accounting, Operations and Information Systems",
"departmentCode": "AOIS",
"faculty": "Faculty of Business",
"facultyCode": "BC",
"subject": "ACCTG",
"subjectTitle": "Accounting",
"term": "1490",
"units": 3
asString: | <subject> <level> |
career: | variable-length abbrevation of university program type (undergrad, grad, ..) |
catalog: | catalog id |
course: | 6-digit unique course identifier |
courseDescription: | |
often long description of the course | |
courseTitle: | semantic course name |
department: | semantic department name |
departmentCode: | variable-length department identifier |
faculty: | semantic faculty name |
facultyCode: | variable-length faculty identifier |
subject: | variable-length subject identifier |
subjectTitle: | semantic subject name |
term: | 4-digit unique term identifier |
units: | integer weight of the course |
GET localhost:5000/api/v1/generate-schedules?q=<q>
q = {
"institution": institution,
"term": term,
"courses": [course, course2, .., courseN],
"busy-times": [
"day": "[MTWRF]{1,5}"
"startTime": "##:## [AP]M",
"endTime": "##:## [AP]M"
{ <busytime object_2> },
{ <busytime object_n> }
"electives": [
"courses": [course, course2, .., courseN]
{ <electives object_2> },
{ <electives object_n> }
"preferences": {
"start-early": <integer>,
"no-marathons": <integer>,
"day-classes": <integer>,
"current-status": <boolean>,
"obey-status": <boolean>
See the method TestAPI.test_generate_schedules
in tests/angular_flask/
for concrete examples.
institution: | unique institution identifier |
term: | 4-digit unique term identifier |
courses: | list of 6-digit unique course identifier |
busy-times: | (optional) list of <busytime> objects |
electives: | (optional) list of <electives> objects |
preferences: | (optional) specify the weight of each preference. There are sensible defaults. |
<busytime object>¶
day: | day(s) which are busy. Uses day format |
startTime: | time the user starts being busy. Uses time format |
endTime: | time the user is not busy anymore. Uses time format. |
<electives object>¶
courses: | list of course identifiers |
One course from each <electives object>’s courses
list will be present in each schedule.
In preferences, each key’s value is the preference’s weighting. Positive, negative, and zero-valued weightings are described for each preference type.
There are sensible defaults for each preference, and all preferences are optional.
Currently supported preferences:
weight > 0
= avoid long stretches of classes in a rowweight < 0
= prefer long stretches of classes in a rowweight = 0
= no preference
weight > 0
= prefer daytime classesweight < 0
= prefer night classes (5pm and on)weight = 0
= no preference
weight > 0
= prefer early startsweight < 0
= prefer late startsweight = 0
= no preference
> Note: start-early
can be used in tandem with busy_times
to specify how early to start
There is also:
- a boolean:
- specifies whether the open/closed and active/cancelled status of sections should be updated
- a boolean:
- a boolean:
- specifies whether the open/closed and active/cancelled status of sections should be respected when scheduling
- if true, closed or cancelled sections will not be scheduled
- a boolean:
"objects": [
"sections": [
<course attributes>
"class_": "62293",
"component": "LEC",
"day": "MWF",
"startTime": "10:00 AM",
"endTime": "10:50 AM",
"section": "A02",
"campus": "MAIN",
"capacity": 0,
"instructorUid": "jdavis",
"location": "CCIS L2 190"
{ <section object 2> },
{ <section object N> }
"more_like_this": [<schedule-identifier>, <schedule-identifier>, ..]
{ <schedule object 2> },
{ <schedule object M> }
objects: | list of schedule objects |
<schedule object>¶
sections: | list of section objects |
more_like_this: | list of schedule identifiers |
<section object>¶
<course attributes>: | |
all attributes from the parent course object | |
class_: | 5-digit unique section identifier |
component: | section type identifier, often ‘LEC’, ‘LAB’, ‘SEM’, ‘LBL’ |
day: | day(s) the section is on. Uses day format |
startTime: | time the section begins. Uses time format |
endTime: | time the section ends. Uses time format |
section: | section identifier. usually a letter and a number |
campus: | variable-length campus identifier |
capacity: | number of seats |
instructorUid: | instructor identifier |
location: | semantic location name |
schedule-identifier: | |
variable length unique schedule identifier. Details about the schedule can be obtained by accessing api/v1/schedules and passing in this identifier. |
"hash_id": "48c3df652685a23acd9a759b91f25b",
"institution": "ualberta",
"term": "1490",
"sections": [
"asString": "ENGG 100 LEC A2",
"autoEnroll": null,
"campus": "MAIN",
"capacity": 516,
"classNotes": null,
"classStatus": "A",
"classType": "E",
"class_": "61383",
"component": "LEC",
"course": "004093",
"day": "R",
"endTime": "01:50 PM",
"enrollStatus": "O",
"institution": "ualberta",
"instructorUid": null,
"location": "CCIS 1 430",
"schedule": null,
"section": "A2",
"session": "Regular Academic Session",
"startTime": "01:00 PM",
"term": "1490"
... < more section objects >