Responses are communicated in JavaScript Object Notation (javascript). Each endpoint returns a list of objects. A few useful book-keeping items are also included in each response.

    "num_results": <int>,
    "objects": [
            <key>: <value>,
            <key>: <value>,
            <key>: <value>
        { <response object 2> },
        { <response object N> }
    "page": <int>,
    "total_pages": <int>

The exception is api/v1/courses/<course>, which returns a single object (not a list), and no book-keeping items.

It is possible for zero <response object>s to be returned.


Versions should be assumed incompatible with one another. Versions are prefixed with their version number. A maximum of 2 versions will be supported at any one time.

Current versions, with their prefixes.

  • v0 /api/<endpoint> (deprecated)
  • v1 /api/v1/<endpoint>

Search queries

Search queries are used to restrict an endpoint’s output. This is useful both for performance and semantic reasons.

Format is:

/api/v1/<endpoint>?q={"filters":[{"name":<attribute_name>,"op":<comparison>,"val":<attribute_value>},{ ... },...]}


  • Get courses for a certain institution and a certain term:

    GET /api/v1/courses-min?q={"filters":[{"name":"institution","op":"equals","val":"ualberta"},{"name":"term","op":"equals","val":"1490"}]}
  • Get terms for a certain institution:

    GET /api/v1/terms?q={"filters":[{"name":"institution","op":"equals","val":"ualberta"}]}

Available operators listed here. As of this writing, they are:

==, eq, equals, equals_to
!=, neq, does_not_equal, not_equal_to
>, gt, <, lt
>=, ge, gte, geq, <=, le, lte, leq
in, not_in
is_null, is_not_null

Formats used in responses

Day format

String containing one or more of the characters “MTWRF”, with each corresponding to a day from Monday through Friday.

eg “MWF”
eg “TR”

Time format


HH:2-digit hour between 00 and 12
MM:2-digit minute between 00 and 59
X:A or P
eg “08:00 AM”
eg “09:50 PM”


Retrieve a list of available institutions. Each institution contains all available information.


GET localhost:5000/api/v1/institutions


    "objects": [
            "institution": "ualberta",
            "name": "University of Alberta"
        { <institution object 2> },
        { <institution object N> }
objects:list of <institution object>s

<institution object>

institution:variable length institution identifier
name:semantic institution name


Retrieve a list of available terms. Each term contains all available information.


GET localhost:5000/api/v1/terms


    "objects": [
            "endDate": "2007-12-05",
            "startDate": "2007-09-05",
            "term": "1210",
            "termTitle": "Fall Term 2007"
        { <term object 2> },
        { <term object N> }
objects:list of <term object>s

<term object>

term:4-digit term identifier
termTitle:semantic term name


Quickly retrieve a hierarchy of available courses.

Each course object contains only essential information. More detailed information about a specific course is retrieved with /api/v1/courses.


GET localhost:5000/api/v1/courses-min


objects = [
        "faculty": "Faculty of Business",
        "subjects": [
              "subject": "ACCTG",
              "subjectTitle": "Accounting",
              "courses": [
                          "course": "000001",
                          "asString": "ACCTG 300",
                          "courseTitle": "Intermediate Accounting"
                     { <course object> }
           { <subject object> }
    { <faculty object> }
objects:list of faculty objects

<faculty object>

faculty:semantic faculty name
subjects:list of subject objects

<subject object>

subject:variable-length subject identifier
subjectTitle:semantic subject name
courses:list of course-min objects

<course-min object>

course:6-digit course identifier
asString:<subject> <level>
courseTitle:semantic course name


Retrieve detailed information about a single course.


GET localhost:5000/api/v1/courses/<course>
course:6-digit unique course identifier


    "asString": "ACCTG 300",
    "career": "UGRD",
    "catalog": 300,
    "course": "000001",
    "courseDescription": "Provides a basic understanding of accounting: how accounting numbers
        are generated, the meaning of accounting reports, and how to use accounting reports to
        make decisions. Note: Not open to students registered in the Faculty of Business. Not
        for credit in the Bachelor of Commerce Program.",
    "courseTitle": "Introduction to Accounting",
    "department": "Department of Accounting, Operations and Information Systems",
    "departmentCode": "AOIS",
    "faculty": "Faculty of Business",
    "facultyCode": "BC",
    "subject": "ACCTG",
    "subjectTitle": "Accounting",
    "term": "1490",
    "units": 3
asString:<subject> <level>
career:variable-length abbrevation of university program type (undergrad, grad, ..)
catalog:catalog id
course:6-digit unique course identifier
 often long description of the course
courseTitle:semantic course name
department:semantic department name
departmentCode:variable-length department identifier
faculty:semantic faculty name
facultyCode:variable-length faculty identifier
subject:variable-length subject identifier
subjectTitle:semantic subject name
term:4-digit unique term identifier
units:integer weight of the course



GET localhost:5000/api/v1/generate-schedules?q=<q>
q = {
       "institution": institution,
       "term": term,
       "courses": [course, course2, .., courseN],
       "busy-times": [
               "day": "[MTWRF]{1,5}"
               "startTime": "##:## [AP]M",
               "endTime": "##:## [AP]M"
           { <busytime object_2> },
           { <busytime object_n> }
       "electives": [
               "courses": [course, course2, .., courseN]
           { <electives object_2> },
           { <electives object_n> }
       "preferences": {
           "start-early": <integer>,
           "no-marathons": <integer>,
           "day-classes": <integer>,

           "current-status": <boolean>,
           "obey-status": <boolean>


See the method TestAPI.test_generate_schedules in tests/angular_flask/ for concrete examples.

institution:unique institution identifier
term:4-digit unique term identifier
courses:list of 6-digit unique course identifier
busy-times:(optional) list of <busytime> objects
electives:(optional) list of <electives> objects
preferences:(optional) specify the weight of each preference. There are sensible defaults.

<busytime object>

day:day(s) which are busy. Uses day format
startTime:time the user starts being busy. Uses time format
endTime:time the user is not busy anymore. Uses time format.

<electives object>

courses:list of course identifiers

One course from each <electives object>’s courses list will be present in each schedule.


In preferences, each key’s value is the preference’s weighting. Positive, negative, and zero-valued weightings are described for each preference type.

There are sensible defaults for each preference, and all preferences are optional.

Currently supported preferences:

  • no-marathons
    • weight > 0 = avoid long stretches of classes in a row
    • weight < 0 = prefer long stretches of classes in a row
    • weight = 0 = no preference
  • day-classes
    • weight > 0 = prefer daytime classes
    • weight < 0 = prefer night classes (5pm and on)
    • weight = 0 = no preference
  • start-early
    • weight > 0 = prefer early starts
    • weight < 0 = prefer late starts
    • weight = 0 = no preference

> Note: start-early can be used in tandem with busy_times to specify how early to start

There is also:

  • current-status
    • a boolean: true or false
    • specifies whether the open/closed and active/cancelled status of sections should be updated
  • obey-status
    • a boolean: true or false
    • specifies whether the open/closed and active/cancelled status of sections should be respected when scheduling
    • if true, closed or cancelled sections will not be scheduled


    "objects": [
            "sections": [
                    <course attributes>
                    "class_": "62293",
                    "component": "LEC",
                    "day": "MWF",
                    "startTime": "10:00 AM",
                    "endTime": "10:50 AM",
                    "section": "A02",
                    "campus": "MAIN",
                    "capacity": 0,
                    "instructorUid": "jdavis",
                    "location": "CCIS L2 190"
                { <section object 2> },
                { <section object N> }
            "more_like_this": [<schedule-identifier>, <schedule-identifier>, ..]
        { <schedule object 2> },
        { <schedule object M> }
objects:list of schedule objects

<schedule object>

sections:list of section objects
more_like_this:list of schedule identifiers

<section object>

<course attributes>:
 all attributes from the parent course object
class_:5-digit unique section identifier
component:section type identifier, often ‘LEC’, ‘LAB’, ‘SEM’, ‘LBL’
day:day(s) the section is on. Uses day format
startTime:time the section begins. Uses time format
endTime:time the section ends. Uses time format
section:section identifier. usually a letter and a number
campus:variable-length campus identifier
capacity:number of seats
instructorUid:instructor identifier
location:semantic location name


 variable length unique schedule identifier. Details about the schedule can be obtained by accessing api/v1/schedules and passing in this identifier.



GET localhost:5000/api/v1/schedules/<schedule-identifier>
course:schedule identifier


    "hash_id": "48c3df652685a23acd9a759b91f25b",
    "institution": "ualberta",
    "term": "1490",
    "sections": [
            "asString": "ENGG 100 LEC A2",
            "autoEnroll": null,
            "campus": "MAIN",
            "capacity": 516,
            "classNotes": null,
            "classStatus": "A",
            "classType": "E",
            "class_": "61383",
            "component": "LEC",
            "course": "004093",
            "day": "R",
            "endTime": "01:50 PM",
            "enrollStatus": "O",
            "institution": "ualberta",
            "instructorUid": null,
            "location": "CCIS 1 430",
            "schedule": null,
            "section": "A2",
            "session": "Regular Academic Session",
            "startTime": "01:00 PM",
            "term": "1490"
        ... < more section objects >